American Jihadist? BORN & BRED

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Let’s just review how Barack Obama dumped his Islamic friends on us, shall we? I know that opens a whole new world of possibilities, but one instance is particularly troublesome. You see there is the matter of this embarrassing little DISCREPANCY, on a REPORT made public during his last year of office.

Yeah, this probably warrants some LOOKING INTO.

 Released “Criminal” aliens?

The report is centered on statistics for crimes committed by RELEASED CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Frankly, this is confusing at best.

I didn’t even know such a thing existed, and I thought I knew everything. Seriously, I can’t get my hands around the words RELEASED, CRIMINAL, and ALIEN being used in the same sentence.

To my way of thinking those words are, or should be, mutually exclusive in the first place.

In this particular circumstance however, it is a statement of fact. They are real enough that our Government, who released them in the first place, feels the need to keep up with them, and their crimes.

Not to worry ladies and gentlemen, our illustrious X-Potus tells us that released aliens pose no greater threat to us than any other group. So say-st Barack Obama, so it shall be!

Now back to that pesky little report discrepancy.

This new lip balm is just not makin it for me
 Obama on immigration

In a recent interview President Obama, told us that only 1400 crimes had been committed by RELEASED CRIMINAL ALIENS. I have no point of reference, so whether that is good, or bad, at least it’s a number. How does that compare with the numbers on the OFFICIAL REPORT? Not to well actually. The reported crimes by released criminal aliens in America was a little closer to 14,000.

Yes, 14,000, not 1400.

Our old buddy Barack only either told us 10% of the truth, or 90% of a lie, depending on whether you’re a optimist, or a pessimist.

The sites below outlines this report. They are very short flicks, but if you want the facts on the Terrorism within America, it’s more than worth the watch I assure you.

Once again Barack Obama told us a bald-faced lie folks. Once again, he’s shown more concern for illegal aliens, refugees, criminals, and basically anyone else, other than the Citizens of the United States of America. Believe me, I voted for this guy and now even I know he’s a Liar now.

  Lying to a Federal Judge is a crime.

Obama altered reports on the Orlando Shooting, his DOJ dupe, Loretta Lynch, and her stable of bumbling idiots, got caught LYING TO A FEDERAL JUDGE.

And believe me, there’s more.

Obama ORDERED law enforcement to basically ignore Muslim crime and by all means, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, INVESTIGATE A MOSQUE, ALLAH FORBID.

How far will he go, and are we PROTECTED?

If by chance you are a MUSLIM, yes, yes you are protected. If not, probably not.

Our problem doesn’t stop with refugees and immigrants my friends. Not even remotely. Consider that much of our terrorism, such as the recent Orlando attack, is committed by immigrants lawfully admitted into our country, or those born to citizenship. Scary isn’t it?

Yet, our President keeps on defending them and bringing them in.

Courtesy of you nearest ISIS CELL.
           Courtesy of you nearest ISIS                                       NEIGHBOR.

You asked if you are protected. No, you are not, and you never will be while these people remain on American soil. It’s IMPOSSIBLE. Their ISLAM FORBIDS IT.!

Most have no idea of the hypocrisy our Government consists of, and, as a point of fact, neither do I. I can however offer the following as proof that I’m damned sure thinking about it.

The United States of America, being a, civilized country, has decided that to remain so, we must spend of billions on law enforcement to protect us from Criminals,Terrorists, and whoever else we need protection from. Unless of course it’s our own government.

And how does that work?

What does it take to defend us?

Very Good Questions.

  1. In fact, we now employ close to 700,000 local law enforcement officers throughout our country.
  2. Our Department of Homeland Security employs an additional 240,000 personnel, and a budget just south of 200 BILLION DOLLARS.
  3. The FBI adds another 40,000 folks and a sweet little 9 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET.
  4. The CIA doesn’t tell us how many employees they have. Their budget however, is close to 30 BILLION DOLLARS, that we know of.
  5. Our Armed Forces bring more than 1 1/2 Million soldiers and a budget hit of over 800 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Yes, over a TRILLION DOLLARS, but be mindful, there are Agencies, Departments, and Offices dedicated to keeping us safe and sucking in your tax dollars. It’s a pretty big business.

Fear cost money, lot's & lot's of money
 Fear cost, both money, and freedom                         

Yes my fellow citizens, we spend the better part of a TRILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY to fund law enforcement agencies, and their almost 3 MILLION employees, for one reason only, to shoulder our FEAR.

What happens however, when their shoulders aren’t quite big enough, they throw more money at it of course. YOUR MONEY!

We’ve always had violence and we always will. Our problems begin in earnest when we knowingly allow potential, or even likely violence, into our country. If intentionally allowing violence into our country isn’t criminal, it ought to be, but I’m reasonably certain that is.

What does it say about our Trillion$ law enforcement when ISLAM TRAINING SITES are free to inhabit our country? It reeks of corruption. George Soros and the Deep State corruption.

This map shows only 22, but there are more my friends. That’s hard to believe I know. This link is yours to watch. Think about it. 

The following link is to one of the very best films on Terrorist training camps within America. It is no joke. Please watch.

These are allegedly run by a Pakistani group known as Jamaat al-Fuqra, through a more friendly sounding organization called “Muslims of the Americas” (MOA).

The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief that the leadership encourages members to pursue a policy of jihad against the enemies of Islam. ENEMIES LIKE YOU, AND ME.

To put these types of camps into perspective, knowing their purpose is essential. They train people, to KILL. Children, at a very early age, are taught to use weapons of war, while your children are taught to avoid all conflict. Your children are taught to love and respect the rights of others. Theirs are educated in the fine art of denying those rights by violence.

And, it doesn’t stop there. Would you believe me if I told you that we have terrorist in virtually every Law Enforcement Agency on the continent? Yes, they are everywhere, even in THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. The old adage, “the fox in the hen house” sure seems applicable here, doesn’t it?

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at the DHS, “were on the terrorist watch list.” 

Lynch said, “Back in August, we did an investigation—(the inspector general did), of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

Couple security failure with the TSA’S abysmal 95% failure rate at stopping Air Travel Threats and, well, let’s say it’s somewhat disturbing. Wouldn’t it be great to know, that despite the 200 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET and the 240,000 employees of DHS, how the hell something like this happens?

And how does our Government deal with such ineffectual and inadequate leadership? Easy, they make DHS even BIGGER and harder to manage.

How big?

Make Bigger
  The bigger it is, the easier to hide

The DHS also constitutes the most diverse merger of federal functions and responsibilities in our history, incorporating 22 government agencies into a single organization. That is way to much power for one Government agency to wield.

According to Peter Andreas the creation of DHS constituted the most significant government reorganization since the National Security Act of 1947.

Here is my point, despite combining all of the following government agencies into one behemoth and unmanageable bureaucracy, and all the money and manpower we can throw at it, we continue to let Jihadist train in America.

The way of our MILITARY?
         The way of our MILITARY?

Just as disturbing is the unprecedented purge of Military Commanders from rank.

Why are these guys being relieved of command in these numbers. Who the hell knows? Barack Obama does.

Some dismissals could be, and likely are valid, but when combined with, “SUDDEN RETIREMENTS” they number in the HUNDREDS, there is a problem.

Below is a partial list of our newly unemployed Military Commanders. As I stated some are likely valid discharges, but these numbers should raise questions.

Why would a President do that? What would be his motive? I don’t have any idea, but I know who does. “Admiral Ace Lyons”. Lyons is one of the most respected military leaders of all time. Here is what he said, (please watch)

It just may be to get Muslim friendly people in those positions, and/or, weaken our military. Another guess would be to get MANAGEABLE people in positions to do you Obama’s bidding, legal, or not. Disagreeing with the agenda of Barack Obama’s “POLICIES” will get you a ticket on the fast track home and sooner or later, his detractors will be eliminated.

We’ve gone from a relatively peaceful society that cared for others, to a frightened, soon-to-be war-torn monument to the ignorance of LIBERALISM and the DEMONS who perpetrate it.

And it all happened because we elected a New World Order advocate named, Barack Obama..