Saving our Republic

Saving our Republic!

After doing over 18 months of research on this matter I can truly say that nothing you see from Washington was done on your behalf. Our country has been put into peril by the very people we trusted to protect it.

Though it has been a gradual process, those who would destroy our country are seeing the fruits of their labor.

One of their attacks began on January 21st, 2020 which is the first confirmed case of Covid 19 in America whose origin was identified as Wuhan, China. Since that time over 50 million cases have been reported in our country with deaths of vaccinated Americans well over one million. This was no accident my friends.

Since that time Americans have been betrayed by the pharmaceutical industry as well as the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, and all other healthcare entities. All you need to know is that they’ve intentionally withheld drugs from us that would have reduced American deaths by 85%, and they knew it. Yes, you read that right, 85%. As far as trusting you doctor, be vigilant, most of them were in on it.

The next phase of their attack happened on November 3rd, 2020, when they, through various means, stole the American elections. They financed fraudulent activities, both electronic and good old fashioned voter fraud, to dictate who the next American President would be. Whether you believe it or not, it’s all documented and being brought to light as we speak. Do some research.

They have infiltrated our military, our educational apparatus and are currently buying up our crop land at a phenomenal rate. We my friends are in trouble. Huge trouble.

The next obvious question is, “What can we do?” Other than another civil war there appears to be only one possibility, and here it is:

If the 2022 elections leave the Republican Party in control of both the house and the senate, three things must occur.

  1. Though not elected by the people, the House of Representative must ELECT Donald Trump to Speaker of the House. And yes it’s legal.  Under his leadership the House will impeach Joe Biden for any one of his many criminal activities. It’s a slam dunk.
  2. The same actions will be followed to impeach Kamala Harris for non-performance of her sworn duties. With control of the Senate both Biden and Harris will be removed from office leaving the next in succession to become President.
  3. Who is that you ask? It’s the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE! Donald Trump. Is that true you ask? Here is your answer.

Now the question is, will Donald Trump, the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate finally take the criminal element to task. I seriously doubt it.

Will they investigate and prosecute Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Fauci, James Comey, China, and all those involved in the 2020 campaign fraud and so many more? This may happen, however with Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the house, it’s highly unlikely.

If the Republican Party is to save America, they must identify and eliminate all Rino’s, stick together, and brutally prosecute those that have tried to destroy our Republic, this is our only chance.