Donald Trump,,,, On the right side.

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As evidenced by the 2016 Presidential election, it’s now necessary to “Pick Sides”. Not parties, sides.

As evidenced by the totally disgraceful Presidential campaign, members of both parties literally hate Donald Trump. The fact that there is little reason for doing so, is of no consequence to these people. They have an agenda.

All common sense, all logic, and all hope, has been skewed by an unreasonable hatred never before seen in American politics.

Make no mistake my friends, this is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. No! The seeds of this behavior were sown deliberately, and with malice by those who would fear the come to Jesus Meeting Donald Trump will host.

In all honesty this attack on our electoral process was not from one single source. In fact, there were many factors that influenced our election, both legal and not, any one of which would have been enough to derail most candidates.

But not Donald Trump. No, the billionaire turned politician had three things neither political party, and none of his opponents had, a deep understanding of problems facing American Citizens, and the will, and the ability to do something about them.

1. Perhaps the most influential is the completely criminal acts committed by the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton campaign, both against Donald Trump, and against its’ own democratic membership.
2. The lack of support, and outright disapproval of Donald Trump by much of the Republican Party membership.
3. The awakening of an American public that has long endured the criminality of our elected officials, and the self-absorbed unconscionable greed that they have spawned, but we have paid for.

I remember, as a very young boy, talking with a former German soldier about World War II. Henry had long since been a citizen of the United States and frankly seemed quite happy about it. Though I talked with the man many times, there was one conversation in particular that has always stuck with me.

Henry’s  words are more than sufficient in describing not only the outcome of World War II, but also the severe trouncing of the Democratic Party during 2016 Presidential Election.

Henry told me in detail about his life as a German Soldier. He, like most Germans, believed the Hitler propaganda, including the belief in the invincibility of the Aryan Master race.

In the early days of the war German victories went almost without opposition making the idea of the Super Race, a prophesy quickly becoming true, and the driving force behind the most brutal acts the world has ever seen.

Until that is, the AMERICANS came. Henry had participated in many battles prior to America’s arrival, but it wasn’t until his first encounter with the Stars and Stripes that he understood true invincibility.

I believe his exact words were, “The American GI was the meanest SOB on the battlefield, and we came to know it very quickly.”

I mention Henry only as insight into the psyche of the American, then, and now. During the 2016 election it became quite obvious that most of us have grown inconsolably weary with the state of our government and are now officially ready to do something about it.

We see the disgraceful lack of character from Democrats like Jerald Nadler, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, Maxine Waters, and Elijah Cummings, and from Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, and so many other, and it is appalling. Whether criminal or not, it’s doe with criminal intent.

   Enough, is definitely enough

Yes my Friends, we see the futility of making either political party our home. The total lack of ethics these people openly display is the most blatant example of criminally deficient character disorder on the planet.

The fact is, that our Political Parties are not now, and never will be, “HOME” to the common man.

If this scenario is familiar to you, you were likely a Donald Trump voter.

Why? Because the very reasons you do identify with Donald Trump, are the same reasons you don’t with either party. Their Radical Stupidity and total lack of conscience.

Both Political parties allow and promote these things, Donald Trump doesn’t.

         GET MEAN!

We my friends have become the modern American GI of a Political War, and being the meanest S.O.B in the voting booth, is an absolute necessity.

It’s apparent to me that through total indifference and outright disdain, BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES have completely misjudged both Donald Trump, and the American People.

From the Democratic party came the unrelenting bombardment of Political Correctness, Unisex restrooms, Sanctuary cities, Open borders, the sanctioning of violence at opposing political rallies, and a strangling tax burden. We didn’t like it, and as you now know, we will no longer stand for it.

In my opinion, Political Correctness has accomplished only one thing. It’s provided a platform and forum, for the criminally insane.

From the Republican party came an obstructionist attitude that shut down our government, failed to cooperate with Obama on beneficial legislation, and threatened the solvency of Social Security and many other beneficial programs.


The American citizens of BOTH PARTIES disagreed with this behavior, and ELECTED DONALD TRUMP to FIX IT.

The firestorm he’s create on twitter is a testament to the unmitigated hatred we all have for the criminal behavior of a mainstream media that should never again, be trusted.

They sought to control our country, on behalf of the Democratic Party, and now, they’ve lost. They should pay.

If President Trump wishes to tweet directly to the American People, so be it. Hearing anything at all straight from the horse’s mouth is actually refreshing for a change.

We the people will no longer accept some overpaid, morally depleted, agenda driven experts’ assessment of the state of our country. The fact that we no longer have to, must scare the hell out of media whores that have grown fat and rich spreading lies and discontent. 

And I, for one, LIKE IT.

So, we can now talk DIRECTLY TO OUR PRESIDENT which means things become exponentially easier. We no longer have to hunt and peck for the truth. We no longer have to wonder which News organization to believe or which anchor favors which political party.

What is true, is what we are told by President Donald J. Trump.

It may not be right, it may not be nice and we may not like it, but it is EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID and we have a right, and a duty, to hold him accountable.

The fact is, Mr. Trump has made that very easy to do. You see, we too can tweet, and it is an absolute certainty that we now have the ability to hold President Trump accountable.

I believe with conviction this President could care less about elected Politicians of ANY POLITICAL PARTY. And frankly, that’s more than OK with me. In fact, that may be the 2016 elections most significant accomplishment.

We now have direct access to the commander-in-chief 24/7. We now have the ability to tell our leader what we expect, so let’s not waste it guys.

It has given us a portal to the big man on campus, without the interference of a usually self-serving agenda imposed on us by our duly elected criminals.

But, for all this clarity, all this truth, and all this transparency, we are to pay a price.