Is God the Answer?

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Whose job is it anyway?

I’ve spent the last two days reading everything available on the Omnibus Bill that was passed against the wishes of our citizens. In fact two of the Senators that voted for the bill are Tom Cotton, and John Boozman, and yes I voted for both of these men.

Cotton, ‘the holier than thou G.I. Joe of our time” and Boozman, who speaks just softly enough to mask most of what he says. We all know that the vast majority of Arkansans were adamantly against this bill, and they know it too. Once again we the people have been shit on by people we’ve elected, and they’ve become quite proficient at it.

Many are asking how we stop these people from ruining our country. Though the question is quite relevant, asking it is a complete waste of time and words. Praying about it, however reassuring, isn’t much better.

Why you ask? Asking God to intervene seems like a good idea, just as long as you know he probably won’t. If praying was the answer my friends it would’ve already happened.

If you truly believe in God’s direct intervention, explain to me how millions of children are abducted, trafficked, raped and murdered each and every year with no intervention at all? If anything is worth a prayer, this is. I also believe there are millions of prayers offered daily about this very subject, I’ve seen no divine intervention yet, have you?

What about all the people, millions throughout the world, that have been murdered by Fauci, Gates and our own government through the use of a vaccine that is quite deadly. Did the millions of prayers we offered to our God go unanswered?

I fervently believe that God has given us the knowledge and ability to remove evil from our lives, and fully expects us to do so. Us, not him.

In other words to conquer evil, we must do whatever it takes to vanquish it, and on occasion, prayer alone won’t cut it. In a misguided sense of morality most don’t seem to realize that many of the most violent books in the world are religious in context.

It’s because they had to be. You probably can’t talk down the man swinging a sword at you, but you can’t depend on the lord to draw your sword for you. God leaves that decision to you.

I sincerely hope I haven’t given you the impression that I do not believe in God. That is simply not the case at all. I was raised in a God fearing family and have no doubt that God is there for us. None.

I firmly believe that God expects us to vanquish the evils that plague us. We must do so immediately. It is our destiny.

And here’s how it can be done.