Sadiq Kahn, now you see me, now you don’t

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Ladies and Gentlemen, to understand Islamic Terrorism, you must first realize that the horrible human carnage you see on television, is but a small portion of the effort it took to create it. For these animals to succeed, it takes money, mobility, planning, and a presence within the people.

   Sadiq Khan London’s Muslim Mayor

A presence like Sadiq Khan.

In 2016, to the despair of liberal media, David Cameron, England’s Prime Minister, claimed that Sadiq Khan had ties to the terror group ISIS.

It seems he was right.

Khan has since been linked to terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Hamas, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Since becoming London’s Mayor, who campaigned on defeating terrorism, it appears he’s rededicated himself instead, to enhancing it.

In fact, during his short reign the incidence of terror attacks have become untenable. His solution only indicates that his campaign promise was likely a lie. People have died in terrorist attacks on three separate occasions within the past two months, and Khan’s response was that the citizens of London, as well as the rest of the world, must learn to live with terrorism!

I believe his exact words were “Terrorism Is Part And Parcel Of Living In a Big City.” Just his way of saying, C’est la vie. 

I just wonder how the families of all these victims would feel about that answer?

It would seem to me that a statement like that, from the man you elected to combat terrorism, may indicate an obscene lack of judgement, and a sinfully wasted vote. 

         A flag just like this one...

Shouldn’t Khan’s ties to extremist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, raise a bright red flag? Unless that is, you’re blind to the terrorism we see.

Some of you may feel I’m not being very nice to Khan, but before reaching that conclusion, there are some things you should know about our buddy Sadiq.

Earlier in his career Khan was Chief Legal Adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee, who has since been placed under investigation by Briton for regularities concerning £1,263,000 in aid given to it by the government. The stupidity of giving any Muslim group that much money is unfathomable to me, but believe me, that’s a drop in the bucket considering Americas donations to TERROR via Islam.

Additionally, The Muslim Council has admitted to financing not only Hamas but other terrorist organizations as well. This should be no surprise when The Muslim Brotherhood, another hate spewing Islamic Extremist Group, not only founded it but still exercises its power within the group.

  Ibrahim Hewitt

Another of Khans connections is Ibrahim Hewitt who is the Chairman of The Palestinian Relief Development Fund,  an organization that the U.S. Dept of the Treasury has labeled as a Terrorist Organization due to its funding of Hamas.

Perhaps the most damning evidence of Khans radical views is his out-spoken defense of Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi whose glorification of suicide attacks and radical ideology has led to his being barred from entering into the United States, the UK and France.

In 2009, Khan attempted to block extradition orders for Babar Ahmad and Syed Talha Ahsan for supporting Taliban and Chechen jihadist groups through various websites they ran under the name of Azzam Publications.

It’s good to know that while in prison in England Ahmad received a childhood friend to comfort him. Sadiq Khan.

The website Ahmad ran,, was the template for thousands of jihad sites that followed and is responsible for the recruitment jihadist worldwide. Ahmad and Ahsan were ultimately extradited to the United States, where they pled guilty to terrorism charges. But not before Sadiq Khan, armed with a petition containing 18,000 names, tried to intervene.

In the 1990’s, Makbool Javaid openly campaigned for a holy war against the United Kingdom and United States.

I guess that’s to be expected from a member of Al-Muhajiroun. The founder of this den of terror is Omar Bakri Muhammad, whose day- job was recruiting British Jihadist.

Oh, by the way, Makbool Javaid is Khan’s brother-in-law. It seems Khan, via Javaid,  and Al-Muhajiroun, shared a stage with Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, another member of Al-Muhajiroun and a convicted terrorist who ran a camp in Pakistan which trained Taliban militants and Al-Qaeda bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan.

     Yasser al-Siri

Also speaking at the same event was Yasser al-Siri, a terrorist who has been sentenced to death Egypt over a political assassination attempt that left a young girl dead.

Khan also regularly attended Tooting Islamic Center (TIC), which was run by Suliman Ghania, vocal supporter of convicted Al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui, as well as a supporter of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Shaker Aamer.

Khan has shared a platform with the controversial imam at least nine times between 2004 and 2013.

Let’s talk common sense folks. First consider that the aforementioned facts are but a minuscule representation of Mr. Khans involvement with Radical Islam. Yes, there’s more. Much, much more.

Understand that as a Muslim, Khan has the OBLIGATION TO LIE if it furthers the will of Allah. No, I didn’t make that up. It’s called Taqiyya.

             Suliman Ghani

It is the circumstances under which lying is allowed, even encouraged, if it advances the cause of Islam –

In some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. That’s right, in Islam a lying, is a weapon.

And that’s exactly what Khan has done. But, he’s not England’s only problem… in fact he’s only one of 9 Muslim mayors in the UK.

Remember, during his campaign he promised to combat terrorism, do you wonder, as I do, what ever happened to that promise?

I guess maybe that Taqiyya thing must’ve kicked in huh?

ps: Now, multiply Khan by 9 and add in all the other extended goodies these people bring….

Good luck to our British Friends….