Islam, Truth? Or Consequences?

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 This is what we're fighting..
   This is what we’re fighting..

I’ve been looking at this Islam thing lately. Pretty interesting stuff for sure. I’ve watched television for hours and hours listening to expert after expert school us on what it is, what they want, and most importantly, how to pacify  them.

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t need much help on these issues. Actually, since they openly tell us what they want, which appears to be, us, DEAD, nothing else much matters, does it?

To fully understand Islam and it’s inherent “JIHAD” this link is a must:

Frankly, that wee bit of knowledge makes pacifying them no longer a priority to me. They are not our friends folks. In fact, while we’re trying to make them our BFF’S, they are silently invading every aspect of our lives with our destruction their sole purpose.

I know that sounds really paranoid, but that’s only because I am! I’ve often heard that the vast majority of Muslims are good people, and this may in fact be true. So what’s the problem? Why aren’t these guys, our buddies?

Maybe the first thing we should do is realize exactly what’s happening. It’s really very simple. With a vigorous terrorism element thrown in for good measure, they are breeding themselves into power. 

Many will doubt the statement. They are wrong. While the average American family produces two children per household, a Muslim family will raise at least EIGHT!

Still have doubts? Please watch.

There are 2 BILLION of these guys on the planet, and 8 million of them are currently our neighbors in North America! I certainly hope they’re from (the vast majority of Muslims that are good people), because that’s almost six times as large as our active military.

What is their goal? They’ve said on several occasions, “We Will Burn America!” I’m just gonna take them at their word on this one. I believe they mean it.

But how in the world can they accomplish this? Isil, the Islamic terrorists who issued the threat, have less than 30,000 members. Sounds like a lot of Muslims to me, but against our military, maybe,,, not so much, right?

Though I doubt that knowing who these people are will help in any way, some of you guys may want to find out, What is a Muslim? Just click, and in a matter of seconds, you’ll be just a little bit smarter.

These assholes have been fighting with each other, or someone else, for thousands of years, and thanks to our consistently shitty foreign policies, we’re next in line.


I’ve come to believe that most Americans don’t have the foggiest notion of what Islam is, and few seem care. Well, we better start caring. History tells us that these guys are in it for the long haul, and that’s something we’ve never been much good at…

If this sounds as if I’m anti-Muslim, it’s not true, but after months and months of research, I have determined that, though there are many differences between Christianity and Islam, I can find none that provide any reason for them to hate us so much. But it’s an absolute certainty that they do! And to them, it’s as good a reason as any to practice Jihad

Frankly, I had no idea what Jihad actually is. Believe me when I say, “There’s not ONE DAMNED THING ABOUT JIHAD that even remotely resembles what Isis is doing to our world!” This my friends, is Jihad.

ISIS. You may want to click on this link. Not that it matters much, but it’s some really interesting reading. Kinda If this Guy scares you..... The Picture below should Terrify you!makes me think that we’re looking at this thing the exact way Islam wants us to, you know, as if it were simply a religion. It is not. It’s much, much, more.

Wonder what they’re really after? It seems that Islam began somewhere around the 7th century. It has a long History of War and violence and a short list of reasons why, one to be exact, “HATE!” 

Believe me, they’re good at it. They’ve been doing it for the better part of 1400 years. They know how, and they’re not going away!

The question is, “WHY?”

The answer is, they’ve never lost. What they’re doing works, and when it doesn’t, they, unlike us, have learned to adapt, to change methods, and they, unlike us, do not quit. 

But I know how to beat them, literally. You see, they have a plan, and I know what it is. Let me explain.

While most Religions send “Missionaries” to other countries to spread the written word, Islam sends “Immigrants” to spread terrorism. The difference is, Missionaries will eventually go home. Immigrants however, bring home with them.

We currently allow approximately 1 million LEGAL immigrants into the United States, and at least 100,000 are Muslims from the most viciously terroristic places on earth.  And, it’s reported that the number has doubled since 1992. From 1992 until 2013, the United States has admitted an estimated total of 1.7 million Muslim immigrants. What they can’t estimate is how many of them are future terrorist, or at the very least sympathetic to Isis and other like organizations?

Why did the immigration numbers jump so much? Could it be because of the August 2, 1990-February 28, 1991 Gulf War? The Shock and Awe thing actually served two purposes. It killed a lot of people, and it changed the traditional Muslim mindset.

These people aren’t stupid enough to believe that they will ever defeat us on the battlefield. They do believe however, that they can defeat us….from within us. Why would they think that you ask. VIETNAM!!! The Vietnam War lasted from 1954 until 1975, a paltry 21 years to these guys. And why did it end? The American people got tired of playing and took their ball and went home.

These guys  have been fighting for over a thousand  years, trust me, they don’t go home.

The American way of life holds no appeal for Terrorist, it does however make their job  much, much easier. I’m sure they appreciate the fact that our legal system allows them to screw with anything, and everything they don’ t like. It’s called freedom.

Does it not bother you that the very thing they seek to take from us, is the tool by-which they seek to destroy us?

This is how they'll defeat us.
    This is how they’ll defeat us.

Example: Washington D.C.’s Catholic School is being sued by its Muslim students. Why? Well, it seems that the CATHOLIC SCHOOL has entirely too many crosses to suit the Muslim students. How can that be true you ask?

Well, they have an ally. The District of Columbia Office of Human Rights, which is a government agency, has vowed to help the poor things. The really shitty part is that the school didn’t even know there was a problem. Not one Muslim student had complained about the issue. Not ONE. Seriously, you’ve got to read this… Muslims Sue Catholic School over CROSSES!

How do we deal with this? In World War II, we placed over 120,000 Japanese-American citizens in what was called, Internment camps. They were actually prisons.

I don’t agree with this solution though. First of all, it’s totally Un-American to imprison people based solely on their nationality, and second, I really do believe that the vast majority of Muslims are good people.

My Solution? Just stop it! As of 2013, the total number of foreign-born immigrants residing in America was approximately 41.3 Million people. Approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of  the overall U.S. Population, is either of first or second-generation immigrants. WE’RE FULL, WE HAVE ENOUGH!

I believe the operative word here is SELECTIVITY. I have only two guiding principles regarding immigration.

(1), The world has one hell of a population problem that must be addressed before any large-scale immigration policy is approved.

(2), The quality of the immigrant must be individually derived, in detail, before he can either call himself an American citizen, or fully realize the benefits that it provides.

And guys, this is for ALL immigrants not just Muslims. I honestly have no idea how our immigration policies work, so I went To  IMMIGRATION  (paste this in your browser to see).

The truth is, I still don’t know shit about it, but I do feel better for looking.

I’ve heard all the reasons that we need immigrants. You know the ones. “We need to attract the best and brightest young people in the world if we want to remain on top of the mountain.”

And while that is true, according to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2012, there were 484,072 new, legal entries into the United States and over 11 million of the illegal variety. I wonder how many of these folks fit in the BEST & BRIGHTEST category?

This link will enlighten you on the TRUE HUMANITARIAN EFFECTS of our immigration policies.

Tell me, how many of our guest are receiving government benefits that could easily be used by Americans? After all, isn’t it at least possible, that AMERICANS can be among the best and brightest?

The bottom line is, if we truly want Homeland Security to have a snowball’s chance in hell, we better learn to close the gate. I have no problem what-so-ever with work visas as long as they are monitored and enforced, we have the technology, just do it.

Control immigration, both legal and illegal, and you’ll control terrorism in America!

One last thing, there has been an ongoing question about the middle east and our supposed allies. The question is, with the standing armies of our allies being exponentially larger than the 30,000 or so member Isis army, why do they not defeat Isis themselves?


Simply put, “Money, ours, and Power, theirs.”

Our presence in the middle east brings untold billions of dollars to their countries, hence, the money. Trust me they will never defeat Isis or any of the other bloodthirsty thug infested organizations that hate America. They need them, for the money.

As long as these countries appear to be our allies, we will blindly welcome their immigrants to our Country. The sad reality of it is, the whole time we’re fighting evil in their countries, they’re BIRTHING it into ours. 

It’s time to understand what’s at stake my friends, our sovereignty, our freedom, our country, our families, most importantly, our children. And after all, what else is there?