This kinda make sense Guys

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Ya Know, when you look at it like that…

24 Things that Matter to us all.

As a Citizen of the good ole USA, tell me, what concerns you most? Frankly, we don’t have a lot to bitch about. Concerns, I imagine you’ve got ’em. Every time you watch the evening news you form an opinion on those issues that matter to you, whether you know it, or not. If you prioritized them, what would it look like?

Well, Pew Research Center says it’s gonna look something like this, and they’re smarter’n me…The 2018 poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press shows clearly that Americans don’t really care about global warming. Sorry Greta.

       What we care about.

Out of 23 public priorities, global warming ranked second to last, just ahead of the vague “global trade” priority, whatever the hell that is.

Please, consider each item carefully. Remember, it’s your opinion that matters. So, is the chart right? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ask yourself please, would you like to see real change in American Policies. If your answer is yes, please, come on in. We were just talking about this list thing.

Yep, I believe the Pew Boys nailed it. Terrorism was at one time, number 1. Since Donald Trump became President and criminal conduct has been exposed, I now believe that government corruption is likely number one for most of us. In fact I believe the whole list is pretty much right except for that.

Ya know this list spans the entire spectrum of issues we care about, from the scariest thing, being “terrorism”, to “Global Trade”, which frankly, is a serious non-issue  to most folks.

I’m troubled however, I believe Pew got it right, but I also believe the Poll represents more than just our Policy Priorities, it also denotes how we perceive life. Sadly, it opens doors to the inner us.

It’s interesting that if I draw a line under everything that at least 50% of people are concerned with, I find a whole hell-of-a-lot of pretty important stuff below it. It is the priorities listed above that line however, that tells us the most about…, us.

Look at the line again; take a moment to consider it. What does it say to you, about, you? Need some help? OK. To me is says, “It’s all about me and it’s all about now.” Kinda selfish huh? It’s understandable, it’s how we’ve survived as a species and if it ain’t broke, ya don’t fix it. With a little luck, maybe we could just, modify it a bit.

Let’s just look at what’s below the line again. Did you see it? Did you see the utter lack of concern for the future? It’s there and it’s not new. Science has been telling us for decades that we are killing our planet.

So, what did we do with that information?

We spent billions scanning the universe for a new home instead of fixing the one we’ve been given.

REALLY? Is it me, or is that just about as stupid as it gets? Yeah, Yeah, I know, our little space invasion is important to us, but I’m thinking a more boots on the ground approach, and unless you can convince me otherwise, there’s quite a bit of shit closer to earth that needs fixing first.

SORRY ABOUT THE RANTS GUYS: I’ve been researching this for days, and the answer to why things are as they are, is that we want what we want, when we want it…Period!

DSC_8584-1aFolks, while that’s been a hell-of-a- ride, it’s at the end-of- the-line.  

We are a smart species, we’ve developed the intricacy of Science to analyze and explain the world around us.

And they have. Their consensus opinion is that we are slowly but surely killing mother Earth. While I’m skeptical as to how much mankind has contributed to that end, it’s undeniable that our roll is ever increasing.

If the first thing you did when you read the end of the previous sentence was wonder, “What could we do about it anyway?” You’re my guy! And all the guys you know are effectively, “Your Guys.” And trust me; they too will have “Guys.” As you cans see, we need a whole lot of “Guys.”

images (2)The job of the so-called “Guys” is simple. They must VOTE! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make sure they do. How do you do that, you ask. I don’t know if there’s a set answer to that question.

But here’s what I think:

Just make it a point to mention or discuss some political issue each time you meet. It should become a habit. Who should they vote for? I believe they, themselves, will answer that question in time. This doesn’t have to be a covert mission guys. It’s OK to tell them what you’re doing. Just do it. And if at all possible get “Your Guys” to help you do it.

If you took the time to look at the chart above, you may have noticed that, Influence of Lobbyist and Money in Politics were both near the bottom of the list. Their place on the list I have included with the FIRST item. The one I added as the number one issue.

There is a reason for that my friends. First, for all intent and purpose they are the exactly the same thing. But, let’s just condense all that down into one little easy to understand word…Let’s see now…, how about “Corruption“. Yes, that fits nicely.

The reason Influence of Lobbyist and Money in Politics rank so low is simply that we hardly ever hear anything news-worthy about them, and when we do, they’ve usually been edited, watered down, and condensed to the point of non-recognition. Believe me, when big money exchanges hands, there are no fingerprints and the media isn’t invited.

It is therefore, a path to criminalization.

mg1Yv34I believe “Money in Politics” is not a starter; it is there for one reason only, to buy favor, and therefore influence my Government. Normally I’m open to opposing points of view on any issue, but in this case, I’ll make an exception. In fact, if you disagree with me that outside money should not be allowed at all in Government, are Officially too gullible to Vote!!!!!

For those of you not offended and still with us…I can only say, sorry about that lil tirade, but that’s the way it is and it’s not likely to change in the foreseeable future.

Seriously, I guess you guys have heard this stuff about all the money big corporations spend lobbying our politicians. Well, where there’s smoke, fire is usually involved. And this kind of money can stoke up a fire Smokey the Bear would back down from.

I just looked at the amount of money big corporations contribute to our politicians and it made me wonder how an honest politician even has a chance. Actually, I guess he really doesn’t. So, I guess we’ve gotta find him one, because he’s one of, “Our Guys.”

There is but one requirement to be an “Our Guy” and it’s simple. You must be honest. There are no other requirements for you to worry about, so don’t. I know that sounds easy but trust me, honest has never been duplicated.

Understand that this is a movement towards “Honesty in Politics.” There is not now, nor has it ever been, the affiliation of honesty infecting any political party or candidate thereof. How do we find “OUR GUY POLITICIANS?” There are no newsletters or commercials. There is no list to choose from, and the press will quash any and all information to support “Our Guy”.

What we do have is the intelligence and ability to find are as many “Our Guys” as we need. The only way to win America back is to put honest back in government.

Let’s discuss the, “Our Guy” movement. It’s not complicated. It simply means that each ofimages (3) us vote for a candidate we believe, above all else, to be honest. And we vote that way every time. If he truly is honest, we’ll deal with other differences later. If not we kick his ass to the curb.

As you can see, the “Our Guy” concept is a very personal decision, a code of conduct if you will. But if you doubt that “Our Guys” are needed, read this:

Just the top 14 Corporate Contributors totaled over 993 MILLION dollars in contributions to political campaigns. Yep, almost ONE BILLION DOLLARS given to our politicians, but to what end?

Make no mistake about it that money is there to buy what the founding fathers paid for with blood. Our freedom.

What is scary to me however, is that Justices in the highest court in the land knew this and still voted against us.Yes that vote was against us! We the citizens.

2014SupremeCourt640Why? I’m not sure, but somewhere along the way influence, and/or money will be involved. Remember, we’re dealing with the “Supreme Court of the Land” they are allowed, without fear of the law, to interpret laws anyway they choose.

There is no retribution for this. They are completely and totally unaccountable to anyone except themselves.

At this point it becomes a moral issue.

It is from this, true character will inevitably emerge.

I have a huge problem with anyone, or anything, Especially the Supreme Court of the Land recognizing anything that doesn’t breathe, as a citizen of the U.S.A.

But they do, and guess what? This is where the vast majority of the soft or dark money is coming from. Corporations, super pacs, and various and sundry other blood sucking organizations all contribute

Where is all that money going? After all, 993 MILLION dollars is a pretty good chunk of change don’t you think. Make no mistake about it, a goodly portion of that 993 Million dollars will go to benefit both Republican and Democratic friends of any and every cause with a profit motive.

What our Lives have become
                    NO CHEATERS!!!!!

This practice is no longer acceptable, in fact, if we re-instate the Tillman Act, it will likely be illegal.

The Tillman Act of 1907 (34 Stat. 864) (January 26, 1907) was the first legislation in the United States prohibiting monetary contribution to national political campaigns by corporations.

It went something like this:

Be it enacted, that it shall be unlawful for any national bank, or any corporation organized by authority of any laws of Congress, to make a money contribution in connection with any election to any political office.

Every corporation which shall make any contribution in violation of the foregoing provisions shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and every officer or director of any corporation who shall consent to any contribution by the corporation in violation of the foregoing provisions shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand and not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.

All contributions by corporations to any political committee or for any political purpose should be forbidden by law; directors should not be permitted to use stockholders’ money for such purposes; and, moreover, a prohibition of this kind would be, as far as it went, an effective method of stopping the evils aimed at in corrupt practices acts. Not only should both the National and the several State Legislatures forbid any officer of a corporation from using the money of the corporation in or about any election, but they should also forbid such use of money in connection with any legislation save by the employment of counsel in public manner for distinctly legal services.

Yeah, that’s what I’m talkin about. But if we already had this, why are we voting on it now? Fair question; with a simple enough answer, “we sold it.”

Click here: to see what we sold it for:

This happened for one reason only. They spent more money than we did.

Do you understand the significance of that statement?

Do you understand that it defines our governments’ worth, in dollars and cents? There to be bought, or sold, at the whim of those who can afford such luxuries?

The very thought of which, if not illegal, is most certainly immoral.

I ask you to consider, that if indeed our politicians and Judges are acting in the best interest of his constituents. Why do we need, no, why should we allow soft money in politics? The answer is obvious, we shouldn’t. See above, look under The Tillman Act of 1907.

Any rational constituent can see that our Supreme Court Justices have taken it on themselves to interpret the laws to support a desired Judgement. It’s nothing knew, why act surprised? It has been so forever.They are human, it will not change.

Guess what guys…If you, for one minute, think you’ll get any sense of Justice from the Supreme Court of the United States, well…you know you’re a dumb-ass, right?